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1However, for head circumference, evident appeared only before 32 weeks of gestation.
2Similar results were observed for head circumference, crown-heel length, and SGA.
3The anthropometric measurements included birth weight, crown-heel length and head circumference.
4We abstracted birthweight, birth length, and head circumference from medical records.
5The head circumference should be measured in all older hydrocephalic patients.
6Heterozygotes shared similar phenotypic features including increased height, increased head circumference and intellectual disability.
7At birth, head circumference was normal for 37 weeks gestation.
8There was no significant difference in birthweight, or head circumference.
9Alterations in head circumference were related effective on dental malocclusion.
10In girls, smaller head circumference and shorter gestations were observed.
11Height, weight, and head circumference measurements were not different in the treatment and control groups.
12Affected infants are often macrosomic, with length above the 90th centile and large head circumference.
13During the ultrasound exams, numerous fetal measurements were made, including head circumference and femur length.
14The mean values of head circumference were nearly comparable.
15Differences in offspring head circumference, length, and ponderal index were also associated with parental exposures.
16Diminished head circumference at birth and growth thereafter has also been associated with poor outcome.
Translations for head circumference